Email to Case - Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Service Automation

Microsoft Dynamics 365  CRM  Service Automation - Email to Case
Email to Case Automation involves converting inbound emails received from your companies support or sales mailbox directly into a support ticket or case in CRM.
Now the first question that comes to mind is why we need to automate the conversion of email to case? The traditional approach in CRM would be:
  1. Email is received in support mailbox. The Service agent retrieves the mail and adds it to CRM either by manually creating a new case and linking it to this email or converting to a case using "Convert To" option available in Outlook.
  2. The agent then searches the customer database in CRM (accounts and contacts) to see if senders email address matches with either of email fields. Please note that in total there are three email address fields in the account and three in contacts. If a match is found then the new case is linked to the customer.
  3. An agent then sets case origin, enters case title & description and then adds the new case to the support queue. Further, a new case notification can be sent to the customer with the case id.
This would easily involve 10-15 clicks per new case that is being created. Automating this process will result in an instant ROI. Following are some of the benefits:
  • Increased Agent productivity
  • Increase ROI by reducing number of clicks per response
  • Customers receive better service
  • Improved and consistent support process
This functionality can be built by a CRM administrator using CRM workflows. However, there are various limitations in this out-of-the-box approach. Some of them are as below:
  • Workflows cannot directly search the customer database to find out if the email sender is actually a customer.
  • Spam and auto-response emails would result in a lot of junk cases being created in the system. Also if an auto-response has been added then there is a possibility of going into an infinite loop of case creation and email notification.
  • An email received regarding an existing case with the slightly modified subject line will result in an incorrect creation of new case. The desired functionality would have been to link this email to the existing open case.


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